Process your DSC

The procedure for obtain the certificate has been streamlined for better comprehension, and the ensuing steps elucidate this refined process.
Rest assured, the issuance of the certificate will transpire promptly upon the fulfillment of all requisite statutory obligations.

Should you desire updates on the progress of your application, you have the option to communicate with your designated associate. Alternatively, you retain the ability to autonomously monitor the status of your application to stay apprised of its progress.

Methods Of Processing Your DSC


The prospective subscriber or applicant holds the privilege of utilizing their Aadhaar card as a means to initiate an application for the Aadhaar-based Electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) verification Digital Signature Certificate (DSC), employing the very Aadhaar Card that is a hallmark of their identity. The concept of Aadhaar-based eKYC verification represents a technologically advanced process designed to acquaint oneself with the customer, whereby the authenticity of the applicant’s identity is meticulously ascertained through the act of uploading the “Offline Aadhaar XML” file onto our secure web portal.


This groundbreaking certificate enables individuals to commence the application process online, offering them the highest level of convenience that goes beyond geographical limits and time limitations. This effortless accessibility marks a significant change in the method of acquiring DSCs, providing applicants with the priceless advantage of worldwide convenience tailored to their contemporary and fast-paced lives.

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